Maurice Muteti
2 min readDec 22, 2022

C# Employee ArrayList Menu Driven Application

Here is a sample C# program that implements a menu-driven application that prompts the user to enter details for five employees and saves them in an ArrayList. The program includes explanations of the source code using comments:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace EmployeeApplication

class Program

static void Main(string[] args)

// Create a list to store the employee details
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();

// Initialize a string variable to store the user input
string input = "";

// Keep looping until the user enters "quit"
while (!input.Equals("quit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

// Prompt the user to enter the name of the employee
Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the employee:");
string name = Console.ReadLine();

// If the user enters "quit", break out of the loop
if (name.Equals("quit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


// Prompt the user to enter the salary of the employee
Console.WriteLine("Enter the salary of the employee:");
double salary = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

// Prompt the user to enter the department of the employee
Console.WriteLine("Enter the department of the employee:");
string department = Console.ReadLine();

// Create a new Employee object using the input provided by the user
// and add it to the list
employees.Add(new Employee(name, salary, department));

// If the list has reached a size of 5, break out of the loop
if (employees.Count == 5)


// Print the details of all the employees in the list
Console.WriteLine("Employee Details:");
foreach (Employee employee in employees)


// This class represents an employee with a name, salary, and department
class Employee

public string Name get; set;
public double Salary get; set;
public string Department get; set;

// Constructor to initialize the employee object with the given name, salary, and department
public Employee(string name, double salary, string department)

Name = name;
Salary = salary;
Department = department;

// Overridden ToString method to return a string representation of the employee object
public override string ToString()

return $"Employee name='Name', salary=Salary, department='Department' ";


Enter the name of the employee:
Enter the salary of the employee:
Enter the department of the employee:

Enter the name of the employee:
Enter the salary of the employee:
Enter the department of the employee:
Enter the name of the employee:
Employee Details:
Employee name='Jane', salary=200000000, department=''
Employee name='John', salary=3000, department='IT'

D:\MauriceMuteti\C SHARP\OTHER VIDEOS\C# Employee ArrayList Menu Driven Application\MenuDrivenEmployeeApp\MenuDrivenEmployeeApp\bin\Debug\net5.0\MenuDrivenEmployeeApp.exe (process 7676) exited with code 0.
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